Friday, 14 February 2014

The first thing that struck me on this morning's early walk was the stark contrast between the haves and the have-nots. Just a few hundred yards from the affluent beach front properties and businesses, are the run down ramshackle homes of the locals - some of whom are living in real squalor. The second thing to hit home was the rubbish that is strewn all along the roadside and on the outskirts of the forest - some areas that I walked past stank so much, I had to bury my nose under my shirt collar. I would have taken photo's but I did not want to run the risk of offending anybody plus, with my milky white skin, I stood out like a sore thumb and was already feeling a bit self-conscious by the number of locals who passed by wielding machetes. I needn't have worried though as it soon transpired that they were just out collecting firewood! The beach, however, is very clean and pretty spectacular and it is obvious why it has become such a surfers haven. The water is beautifully clean and clear but the off-black sand takes a bit of getting used to. Now that I have got my bearings and feel completely at ease with the area, I shall take my camera out with me and start posting pictures. It is only 7.15 pm in the evening but the jet-lag is fast catching up with me and, in the circumstances, I am going to sup a few more beers and hit the sack early.

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